My favorite board moment was: My first day. BNLater chased me around from room to room. I should have known I was in trouble.
The board member I miss the most is: Can I vote for myself here???
My favorite Random game is/was: I have a fondness for One Big Sentence. Some of those original games were priceless. You can't go wrong with flatulence...
Favorite Pirod Product is: I guess I'm not really qualified to answer this without doing any research.
Greatest moment in One Big Sentence: I particulary enjoyed the stretch where we tried use the same first letter in all four words. It was really a challenge at times coming up with a bunch of "f" words.
Worst moments on the board: For me that one is easy. I got seriously busted for "borrowing" BNLater's credit card to buy pizza when DH and I created anarchy. I didn't think I would ever live that one down.
Most embarrassing moment: Nothing I did, and I think I'll keep my mouth shut on this one.
Boarder most likely to...- ...end up in jail? Ludwig - after a night of mint debauchery.
- ...rule the world?
That's easy. BNLater rules this world, so she's the most qualified
[/li][li]...sing on Broadway?[/color] Mad Black Spy - wasn't he the only one of us to end up on stage?
[/li][li]...correct your grammar?[/color] Maybe it's Nonick for the rest of you, but for me BNLater always has the red pen out.
[/li][li]...poke fun at your typos?[/color] See above
[/li][li]...laugh at a joke until they spit on their computer monitor or pee their pants, whichever comes first?[/color] BNLater seems to vocalize that reaction the most.
[/li][li]...overtake BNLater in the top spot for post count?[/color] Yeah right. Like that's ever going to happen. I guess Nonick is the logical choice here.
NEVER post?[/color] All those goobers who registered but have never participated.
[/li][li]...not be able to answer those questions because he/she doesn't post and read enough?[/color] Random!!
[/li][li]...make you late to a pre-concert gathering? No clue.
Boarder who most reminds you of... That's a tough one. I guess my wife is my best friend. And BNLater challenges me in the same way most times.
[/li][li]...your favorite teacher?[/color] Ludwig
[/li][li]...Homer Simpson?[/color] Jane?
[/li][li]...the Terminator?[/color] BNLater. She has all the power, and the most likely to discover time travel.
[/li][li]...your favorite pet?[/color]
[/li][li]...a revolving door?[/color][/li][/ul] I seem to be the popular answer here....
1. Can you name all the Random puppies? No clue! I think I asked that question last year and never got a straight answer.
2. Do you know how the board came to be?[/quote] I looked earlier, and I didn't register until Feb. 16th, but I think it had something to do with escaping religious persecution from the "other" board.
WILDCARD - the coolest thing for me personally was the get well bear that BNLater and Nonick sent me when I was recovering from surgery last year. I also miss the banter with both of them during work hours. My new job doesn't allow me much time for posting.